Saturday, September 20, 2008


Last August, in an attempt to deal with my overwhelming maternal needs, I convinced Dave to let us get a cat. I figured if we couldn't have a baby right now then a cat was the next best thing. Dave never had cats growing up but that is all I had. So I had to sell him on the idea of having a cat. I looked and looked for weeks for the right cat. I wanted a certain kind of cat. Finally, I found an adorable kitten. The only catch was that I had to drive to Tennessee to get him. So I did. He was the cutest little thing. Since then Dave has grown to absolutely LOVE this cat. We wonder what we did before him. We named him Pike after Pike's Peak in Colorado. He kind of looks like a snow capped mountain.

Today I was making our bed and Pike loves to jump on the bed WHILE I am trying to make it. He was laying on our duvet so I just threw the other end on top of him. He layed really still for a while then he just barely poked his little head out. It was so cute. He just layed that way for a while.


sjefferson said...

Our cats do the same thing! Everytime they hear me making the bed they run in under the covers. They love to be "tucked in."